

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 5 months ago

Tuesday Tool Day Agenda


Gauging Students Needs Presentation Creation

-    Learn about GoogleDocs (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Forms, Presentations)

-    Participants open an account (use any account)

- Example**

Assessment Timeline

-    Rubistar

-    PBL CheckList

-    Recipes4Success (in IDEAL)


Creativity and Enrichment: Finding images, sounds, video and embedding

•    Flicker Storm

•    Behold.cc

•    Discovery Streaming (in IDEAL)

Communication and Collaboration (and 21st Century Skills)

-    Student email (Gaggle or Google)

-    Twitter

-    Surveys (Google Forms & Polleverywhere.com)

-    Skype

-    Backchannels (Chatzy, chat in Google Docs & Google Chat)

Publication, Collaboration and Organization

•    Wikis (PBWorks, Wetpaint, Wikispaces)

•    Blogs (Blogger, workdpress, edublogs)

•    Social Networks (nings)



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